
Restricting factors of orchid charcoal/Semicoke development

    2022-04-02 14:23:02

Semicoke, internationally known as semi coke. In the early 19th century, semi-coke was produced by low temperature pyrolysis using bituminous coal, cannel coal and lignite as raw materials. In 1860, Germany established a large lignite low-temperature pyrolysis plant to produce lamp oil and paraffin, and subsequently declined. In order to obtain coal tar, Germany developed lignite pyrolysis and tar hydrogenation industry on a large scale during world War II. And our country "charcoal" in the name of the first is the result of yulin shenmu, due to the flame system of coking semicoke produced when named "blue flame", and after making, mechanism charcoal, and enlarged equipment such as stage, be seen as "grassroots industry", in March 2012, issued by the state administration of trademark "mulan carbon god" geographical indication marks.
At present, the total production capacity of Lancharcoal in China is about 129 million tons, mainly distributed in Yulin, Shaanxi province (65 million tons of capacity), Xinjiang Autonomous Region (50 million tons of capacity), Tangshan, Hebei Province (5 million tons of capacity), Ordos, Inner Mongolia (5 million tons of capacity), Ningxia Autonomous Region (4 million tons of capacity). In 2021, China's output of blue carbon is about 60 million tons, while the output of medium-low temperature coal tar and coal gas is about 8.5 million tons and 80 billion m3, equivalent to 21 million tons of crude oil equivalent, accounting for about 10% of China's crude oil output, which has become an effective supplement to China's oil and gas resources.
LAN carbon industry in China after nearly 40 years of development, has formed a relatively complete industrial system, and the circulation development "coal - blue carbon - calcium carbide - polyvinyl chloride (PVC)", "coal - blue carbon fuel oil - special oil - aromatic", "coal - LAN charcoal - power", "coal - blue carbon - ammonia - producyion", "coal - LAN charcoal - metal magnesium integration" five industrial chain, Yulin has been promoted to build the world's largest magnesium production base and an important calcium carbide - chlor-alkali production base in China [5]. Although LAN charcoal industry has become an important pillar industry of local economic development, it has not yet come out of the dilemma of low-end production technology, three wastes, extensive products, and industrial development is still facing many constraints and severe challenges. Analysis of the reasons, mainly for design, construction, production, management are not standard.
(1) Design factors. Chemical design is the bridge and link of transforming scientific and technological achievements into real productive forces, and also the key link from engineering idea to industrial production. At present, there are some problems in lantan project design, such as imperfect standards and specifications, unsystematic integrated design and less application of innovative achievements. Therefore, LAN charcoal industry should promote the establishment of construction access rules, design standards and specifications different from coking at the national level, by experienced professional design institute standardized design and system integration, and increase the promotion and application of innovative technology.
(2) Construction factors. For a long time, due to the extensive production of orchid charcoal, low requirements of equipment rigor, the construction team with large craftsmen can meet the needs of engineering construction. However, with the continuous improvement of the national production management requirements of blue carbon, there are many shortcomings in the empirical construction, such as large construction errors, high maintenance rate of production, serious problems such as running and leaking. Therefore, lantan project construction should be completed by experienced standardized construction units in accordance with the design drawings and construction technical standards, and pay attention to the construction quality of key devices, and strictly control the quality of key equipment and materials.
(3) Production factors. The extensive production of orchid charcoal is mainly reflected in: (1) the key temperature control technology, relying on the experience of "skilled fire control workers", the product quality fluctuation is large; (2) the production site environment is poor, coal dust, VOCs emissions, environmental protection facilities are not sound; (3) low degree of automation, production labor intensity; (4) Production workers generally do not carry out systematic study of chemical professional knowledge and skills. Therefore, we should carry out multi-professional collaborative technology research, break through the automatic temperature control technology, realize the unattended coal coke transportation, greatly improve the level of automation, reduce labor intensity, make up the short board of environmental protection, the implementation of waste gas, waste water standard treatment, and improve the production technology and management of the business level.
(4) Management factors. Although LAN charcoal started as a local industry, it is now widely produced in Shaanxi, Xinjiang, Inner Mongolia, Ningxia and other provinces (autonomous regions), with annual coal conversion reaching hundreds of millions of tons. In 2008, lancharcoal industry was included in the national industrial catalog, and relevant management policies and standards were established. However, compared with the current industrial scale, the construction of policies and standards is seriously lagging behind. Production capacity elimination, energy saving system, environmental protection supervision policy is not clear or clear basis, orchid charcoal industry management in metallurgy, coking, chemical and other industries wavering, at the same time, the national level of Orchid charcoal construction (including technical transformation) project environmental access conditions urgently issued.